As a Node.js developer, it is important to deliver quality work to your project and clients. You should always check your work, specially if you are a junior developer. You don’t want to push sloppy work to your company’s code base. Here are some tips to improve your code.
1. Focus on the quality of your code.
Check your code specially if you’re tasked with a new feature. Avoid syntax, semantic and runtime errors before you commit and push your work. Reuse existing code in your code base if possible.
2. Read books and resources on code quality.
Read books like Clean Code by Robert Martin and Refactoring by Martin Fowler. These books teach developers how to code that’s readable not just to you but to other developers that will read your code.
3. Learn design patterns and apply it to JavaScript or TypeScript.
Learning design patterns allow you to have a common language with other developers. It will also lead to better quality code as design patterns will act as the blueprint for your code. It will also lead to reusable code and design. Check out Prototype, Builder, Adapter, and Decorator Patterns and search JavaScript Design Patterns.
4. Learn best practices around the JavaScript language.
Study the best practices around JavaScript language thoroughly. Learn about the difference between functional and class-based components if you’re coding in React.js. Learn about callback hell and how to avoid it. Learn promises and async/await and when to use it.
These are just some of the things that you can do to improve the quality of your work as a Node.js developer. I’m sure there are a lot more but do these for now and see your code improve right before your eyes.
Happy coding!